Be A Good Host

Jun 16, 2020

Are you a good host?  How do you feel when someone invites you over; however they fail to acknowledge your presence, and fail to host your presence.  Hosting is key to the supernatural.  Having the skill, and ability to host Holy Spirit is key to unlocking heaven on earth. Holy Spirit wants to be acknowledged, and made aware of.  He's not a it.  He's a person, and when His Presence is invited, you are unlocking the realm of visitation.  Many believe the supernatural to be spooky, and often question what they are experiencing; however Holy Spirit is real, and wants to partake in our everyday activities.  Holy Spirit wants to be invited into our routines, and wants to be engaged, and honored.  This is one of the most powerful keys I've ever unlocked.  This is the realm where you are able to live in peace; deliverance; glory, power, and GOD's goodness.  This is the dimension of GOD's angels being made manifest on earth as it is in...

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Unlocking The Supernatural

Jun 09, 2020

Have you ever experienced a supernatural manifestation?  What were your thoughts, and how did you respond?  Just ponder for a moment, and jot down, how you responded to the supernatural realm.  I can recall encountering the supernatural realm, and wondering, how did I get here, and how can I have this encounter again.  Often times, people experience the supernatural realm once or twice, then have a difficult time tapping back into that dimension.  I thought it was a realm for the elect, or for the super deep, so I would try my best to get in the deep; however I would come out with tongues; exhaustion, and a sweaty forehead.  I was trying to hard to get into a place, that Holy Spirit had already granted me access into.  I needed to know the mysteries of the supernatural, and master the art of unlocking supernatural portals without being spooky; weird, or off.  

There are supernatural keys that unlock supernatural portals.  These keys...

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Mastering The Art Of Practice!

May 26, 2020

Have you ever heard the statement: Practice makes Perfect.  Well that's one of my favorite statements.  I believe this statement to be true, and it's one of the most powerful weapons one can have.  You are as good as you practice, and how you practice will be how you will perform.  Although ministry isn't performance; it's an assignment that should be taken very seriously.  The way you prepare for the assignment will determine how you will deliver.  

Mastering the Art of Practice is one of the greatest ministry keys to success.  The Holy Spirit will pick up, where you left off in practice.  What you do in secret, HE will reward you openly.  Here's my spin on this scripture,  how you study and prepare in secret, HE will show up for you openly.  The Holy Spirit will bring to your remembrance what you studied, and when it's time to deliver the word, it will flow effortlessly from a place of confidence; authority, and...

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Sermons VS. Revelation!

May 19, 2020

It's one thing to break the text for a sermon; but it's another thing to break the text for revelation.  Sermon seekers only search the text for a message for others; while revelation seekers, search the scripture for personal relationship; development, and growth.  Sermon seekers are easily recognized, as they are only able to teach from a surface perspective.  They are eager to teach the first thing they see, or hear in the word.  They never grasp the text for themselves; they are seeking to preach.  GOD never intended for us to study for preaching.  HE provided us with HIS Spirit to teach us, and lead us into all Truth.  The bible is for us to build a personal relationship with the WORD, and become students under the tutelage of HIS Spirit.  

We are supposed to be revelation seekers.  Seeking GOD for enlightenment of the WORD, so we can personally develop.  As we develop, we will preach, and teach from our overflow. ...

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Break Open The Text!

May 12, 2020

Reading to Read is one of my favorite past times.  Being able to break open the text, and read because I love the word is life to me.  I can remember the years, I would read to prepare for sermons, and after experiencing this method, I grew exhausted from reading, and reading was no longer a joy.  I am an avid reader of the word, and GOD enjoyed me reading to read over me reading to teach.  Once I mastered the art of reading because I enjoyed studying the word for me, GOD began trusting me with more revelation, and insight of his word.  The WORD unlocked, and GOD began to share so much of HIS Word with me.  Once you're trusted with studying privately, GOD opens up the scripture for you too teach publicly.  

When I said reading to read.  What I mean by that is taking your time to enjoy the text.  Reading, drawing; highlighting, and finding pleasure in gaining insight scripturally.  Being a student of the word, and allowing the Holy...

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Preparing The Preacher Within You!

May 05, 2020

Have you ever heard the statement, Practice makes Perfect?  To be honest, that's one of my favorite quotes.  Not because of the words, but because of the Truth.  These words carry weight.  I apply this principle to my life as a minister, and have literally lived a life of "Practice" when it comes to my preaching development.  Some of you are probably murmuring, "Coach I'm not a preacher."  Well let me set the record straight.  Preaching is not pulpit, preaching is not clergy collar; preaching is breath.  Being willing to use the breath GOD has loaned you, to complete the assignment that was placed on your life before the foundation of the world.  Therefore; your breath has an assignment, and although you may not be labeled a preacher, you need to prepared for future assignments. 

I laugh when I look back over my life, and the years I spent studying scripture, preparing without a clue of what I was preparing for.  I would sit on...

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Quarantine Check In

Apr 07, 2020


Hey Squad, 

This blog is a simple check in.  I am reaching out, to connect with  each of you to see how you are doing?  Prayerfully you are holding on to the word of GOD in this season, and being still and knowing that HE is GOD.  I am praying for each of you, your families, and your overall well- being. It is my prayer that this too shall pass.  May you stand on the word of GOD in Psalm 46 that declares that LORD shall be a Present Help in the Time of Trouble.  He goes on to declare in 46:10 for us to BE still and know that HE is GOD.  During this time of COVID19, the Word has been my foundation, and has kept me in a peaceful state.  

Philippians 4:6-7 declares Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell GOD what you need, and thank HIM for all HE has done.  Then you will experience GOD’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. HIS peace will guard your hearts, and minds as you...

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Finding Your Niche

Mar 03, 2020

It’s March!!!

First of all I pray you all heard the FB Live I did on 3/2/20. If not, you may want to listen to this word because it’s going to stir you up. Your baby in your womb is going to Leap. This will also prepare you for tomorrow lesson on finding your niche.

Once you have your niche figured out, the rest will be supernatural. You can expect to march into a season of great exploits where it Will be GOD.

March is my favorite time of the year. I enjoy watching nature respond to the seed that GOD spoke over the earth during formation. It’s beautiful to observe nature taking its course & naturally blooming into its new season. I don’t just see this for nature, but even for each of you. You were ordained to organically manifest the glory of GOD. I know life has you wondering what next; how; or if it’s possible. You must understand these are the days of GOD showing his glory.

Remember you have a unique niche that GOD placed in you. Therefore; arise...

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Your Words Are Weapons

Feb 11, 2020

So far 2020 has been off to a great start. We began with prayer, and now we have been focusing on deliverance. These two teachings have shifted my life. It’s amazing how I enjoy teaching each of you, and in the midst of teaching I’m being taught. Did you catch that? I’m learning, growing, and developing after each class. I smile, and declare to myself, “GOD is unstoppable.” Because if GOD be for us, then who can ever be against us.

The power of using the word against the enemy is one of the #1 tactics in staying free. This week I’ll be sharing with you how to take the word, and use it as a weapon against any enemy you face. You will win every time. The enemy isn’t afraid of your opinion, nor is he afraid of your words. However, he is destroyed the moment we use the word as our defense. Once you master this skill, you walk in a new confidence, and a new boldness. Even as teachers when you teach deliverance using the word, your teaching...

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Feb 05, 2020

Deliverance is one of my favorite subjects to discuss. I’m often asked the personal question on how I stay free. When I’m asked this question, I get excited because it allows me to point to my Savior. It gives me an opportunity to make GOD bigger & allows me to brag on the faithfulness of GOD. What I enjoy most is being able to elaborate on the benefits of salvation.

One of the greatest benefits of salvation is Freedom in Christ. Having the opportunity to be born again; to become a new creature in Christ where old things pass away, and everything becomes new. Just pause and meditate on that! The fact that you’re able to be born again ought to excite you. I know it excited me!

I also love discussing practical ways you’re able to maintain your freedom, and walk without torment. Often times when we are delivered; regardless of what you’re delivered from, there is a grieving period, and a process. You will experience the loss of what you gave up. In...

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