Metron 1

Uncategorized Oct 15, 2019

Do you know your authority? Do you know how to rule in your authority? These are two powerful questions when it comes to executing your assignment in the earth. You must recognize your authority, and how to access it. When you are sure of your authority, then you are sure of your assignment. One of the greatest challenges is getting people to know their identity in GOD; however I have discovered that the second greatest challenges is getting people to know their authority. Often times people miss out on flowing in their gift, because they fail to recognize their authority that’s connected to their gift. This week I’m going to teach you how to step into your authority, and how to dominate with the resource you already have. You’ve heard me state this quote on numerous occasions, “Find your lane and Kill it.” One of the ways you find your lane, and kill it, is by knowing your authority. Authority is simply METRON. Operating from your sphere of influence. Here’s a secret: we all have a sphere of influence , and this week, I’m going to show you how to operate from your influence, and how to find your audience by doing so.

This will be a series on finishing strong. I want you to close out the year by being sure of your call, sure of your authority, and sure of you audience. The best way to do this is by operating from your METRON.


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