Be A Good Host

Uncategorized Jun 16, 2020

Are you a good host?  How do you feel when someone invites you over; however they fail to acknowledge your presence, and fail to host your presence.  Hosting is key to the supernatural.  Having the skill, and ability to host Holy Spirit is key to unlocking heaven on earth. Holy Spirit wants to be acknowledged, and made aware of.  He's not a it.  He's a person, and when His Presence is invited, you are unlocking the realm of visitation.  Many believe the supernatural to be spooky, and often question what they are experiencing; however Holy Spirit is real, and wants to partake in our everyday activities.  Holy Spirit wants to be invited into our routines, and wants to be engaged, and honored.  This is one of the most powerful keys I've ever unlocked.  This is the realm where you are able to live in peace; deliverance; glory, power, and GOD's goodness.  This is the dimension of GOD's angels being made manifest on earth as it is in heaven.  The dimension of the unthinkable happens in this dimension.  When you host you are willing to serve in the Presence.  Serving requires being attentive to the needs of the one you're hosting.  A good host is attentive; kind; aware; and willing to keep company with their guest.  After establishing a deeper intimacy with Holy Spirit, He will no longer be a guest, He will take up residence everywhere you go, and HIS presence will be made manifest tangibly.  

Hosting requires you to be intentional; honorable; and respectful.  Once you master the art of knowing how to host the presence, you will not just experience glory, you will encounter, and inhabit the glory realm.  Holy Spirit will then teach you His ways, what He likes, and dislike. This is the journey of stepping into a place of intimacy, and relationship with Holy Spirit.  This is the place where you are able to inhabit the glory of GOD in all of HIS majesty.  I am excited to witness each of you experience hosting the Presence of GOD.  


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