How to Unlock Whatโ€™s Been Stored Away

Aug 06, 2019

How to unlock whats been stored away

Squad, I have a secret, and I must share with you the news on how to unlock whats been stored away.  There are some just in caseblessings reserved with your name on it.  You have a treasure chest full of valuable blessings, on standby, and only a few people tap into this realm of intentionally unlocking stored away blessings.  When I found out the notable key of accessing my hidden treasures, I went on a quest to discover the mystery of unlocking stored away blessings.”  I began to see this strategy manifest in my life, and now that I am fully convinced that this is the key to your new season, I just had to expound on this with my squad.   I know at this point, you are very curious, and even saying to yourself, what is it coach, what is it.”  Well you already know, I am going to make you wait until the video release to find out the key.  However; I can...

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Witty Ideas Are God Ideas

Jul 24, 2019

Witty Ideas are “GOD ideas.” It takes the Spirit of GOD to know the mind of GOD. Therefore, when ideas form, The Spirit of GOD is equipped with the wisdom; knowledge; counsel; understanding & might you need to execute the plan. Oftentimes, we get discouraged when GOD downloads an idea because we don’t know how to execute the plan. Can I help you? It will take the Spirit of GOD.  

There is a creative genius in each of us. This creativity is bigger than human intellect. You will never be skilled enough to complete a Witty Idea. You need the Spirit of GOD. The Spirit of GOD is more than tongues. The Spirit of GOD is your Helper & this week I’m eager to share with you how the Helper is invested in every detail of your life. Once you initiate and activate the Helper you will witness your life; ministry; brand and business transform.  

This week get ready for everything and every idea to manifest!!!!!!!!! 

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Accessing Wisdom for the Witty Ideas

Jul 16, 2019

Have you ever heard someone say, GOD is going to give you witty ideas?”  To be honest, Ive heard that so many times, and even had that prophesied into my life.   I had no idea what exactly witty ideas was; however I knew it was something unique, and I wanted to possess those type of ideas.  Often times people receive prophetic words, yet they fail to investigate, seek after, and pursue the meaning of the word in detail.  I guess since, Im being honest, I can admit in my early days of ministry I would shout, fall out, and speak in tongues, all while going home with just a word, and no understanding on how to war over that word until I seen manifestation.  If you all would be honest for a second, Im sure you all would agree youve done that before.  

After hearing witty ideas, and wanting it so badly, I decided to pursue the meaning.  What I discovered was that witty ideas were GODs ideas, GOD...

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Protect Your Influence

Jun 25, 2019

Being entrusted with influence is something I value, and also something I protect.  What I have discovered over the years, is whatever you value, you will protect.  I am a firm believer that influence is powerful, and should be governed properly.  When you understand the weight of who you are, what you carry, and the responsibility that comes with it, you will honor it, and secure it.  Influence should be something you honor, something you cherish, and something you want GOD to trust you to carry.  Regardless of your role, occupation, income, or amount of social media followers, influence is something we all have in our possession.  How you see it, and how you handle it will determine if you can be trusted with more of it.  Having influence, and not knowing what to do with it, is like having a pencil, and not knowing how to write with it.  This week, Im going to share with you the purpose of your influence, and what to do with it....

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Influence - Responsibility

Jun 18, 2019

Influence is powerful.  When GOD is preparing you for influence, HE begins to deal with your personal character, to prepare you for a great responsibility.  Some people have failed to recognized the significance of influence, and its true meaning.  Influence is not based on popularity; celebrity status, or followers.  Influence is Impactand your ability to lead and shift the lives of others.  Influence is a responsibility because you are able to influence others without even opening your mouth.  Influence carries weight, and GOD is looking for those who are able to carry his weight with responsibility.  Influence requires a clear head, and a clear focus.  You must be able to discern well, and make the right decision even if it requires saying NO.”  When you have influence, you just cant say or do anything you want to do.  You have to use discernment because your endorsement to a person or...

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How to Unlock Influence

Jun 11, 2019

I get asked this question all the time. “How do I gain influence.” Influence is powerful, influence is simply the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something, or the effect itself. Some of the most powerful synonyms of influence is: impact; control; sway; power; authority; leadership; direction and guidance. Again, influence is powerful. I’ve also heard people say, “I don’t need influence.” My face is always astonished, like, “Wow, do you have any idea what you are saying.” When you are declaring you don’t need influence, you are diminishing your power to walk in leadership, and demoting yourself from making an impact. Your words have power, and when you make those statements, you are demoting your impact.

Say this after me. “Influence is powerful, and I want influence.” Awesome, now say it over and over again until you feel the spirit of influence manifest in your...

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Branding 501: Present Well

May 28, 2019

Presentation is everything.  Presentation is the representation that speaks one word, Value.”  What you value, you will present with excellence.  Presentation has a drawing power, that has the ability to bring your people forth.  If you want to draw people, present well.  People are attracted to what they are able to visually see, and they will invest in what they are drawn to.

What you value, you will present with excellence.  You will become so passionate about what you are presenting to others, that it will stir you to demonstrate your best.  Presenting with excellence will cause you to invest more in yourself, and what GOD has assigned you to do.  Let me take a moment to encourage you, that many of your businesses, and brands are diamonds hidden in the dust.  GOD is beginning to expose you to the power of branding, and embracing the awareness of I am my brand.”  The reason GOD is shining light on your...

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Branding 401: The Value of the Brand

May 21, 2019

 Value is everything.  What you value, you will protect; honor; and serve with excellence.  To value something or someone is to regard something as worthy, and useful.  The synonyms of value is: Worth; Advantage; Service; Help; Importance; Significance, and Merit.  There are more synonyms found; however these are my favorite.  As we discuss Brand, and you being your brand, I want you to pause, and assess how much you value your brand.  Often times we want others to value, what we fail to value.  If I can be honest, you will never have someone value what you refuse to honor, appreciate, and deem worthy. Now slow your roll, dont get super deep on me, and say to yourself, My brand isnt worthy.  Only GOD is worthy of all Praise.”  You right, only GOD is worthy of such praise; however Im painting the picture.  (In my voice)

What I want you to understand is that you must value who you are, and what...

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Branding 301: Brand Identity

May 14, 2019

We have spent a few weeks discussing the difference between brand, and branding.  It was so refreshing to unlock the revelation that You are your brand.”  I put so much emphasis on declaring the importance of you understanding that You are your brand.”  I want you to become solid in who you are, and who GOD called you to be.  This is a time to embrace your uniqueness and individuality.  Oftentimes,  we spend more time building people, that we forget about ourselves during the process.  Its necessary to have a good balance on serving, and praising others; however we cant neglect ourselves in the process.  

Now that I got that off my chest, lets move into this weeks teaching.  Brand Identity.  Although you are your brand, its important to have identity to who you are, what your mission will be, and how your audience will get the information.  Although my name is Sophia...

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Define the Brand

May 07, 2019

Define Your Brand

You are your brand.  How powerful is that?  That was one of the most powerful revelations I discovered during my journey of unlocking the GOD Brand in me.  Yes, I said the GOD brand in me.  Thats exactly what we are designed to do.  We are designed to reveal the GOD in us, to the world around us.  GOD is an amazing Creator, and in the beginning HE speaks about his Creation with each of us in mind.  The same genius in GOD is the same genius He puts in each of us.  

 Its imperative that you grasp a strong understanding that you are your brand, and your Brand first begins with Identity.  You must begin by defining, Who you are.”  When people see you, and hear about you, what are they receiving.  The message is what are you communicating verbally, and non-verbally.

The more you are aware of who you are, and whose you are, the more effective you will be in...

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